Archive for Rational Psychology
The Archive for Rational Psychology is maintained by the Association for Rational Psychology to
collect materials on Rational
Psychology from all sources so as to further their pursuit. The
ultimate aim is to provide a comprehensive bibliography and library of
works on rational psychology.
- Jon Doyle, Some Mathematical Problems in Artificial Intelligence
(1981 manuscript, delivered at Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jon Doyle, What is Church's Thesis? An Outline
(1982 manuscript, circulated at Carnegie Mellon University
and MIT, later reprinted in Minds and Machines)
- Jon Doyle, What is Rational Psychology? Toward a modern mental
(1983 original; abbreviated version in AAAI
- Jon Doyle, Some Theories of Reasoned Assumptions
(1983 Technical Report from Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jon Doyle, Big Problems for Artificial Intelligence
(1988 guest editorial in AAAI Magazine)
- Jon Doyle, Artificial Intelligence and Rational Self-Government
(1988 Technical Report from Carnegie Mellon University)
- Elisha P. Sacks and
Jon Doyle,
Prolegomena to Any Future Qualitative Physics + Epilegomenon
(1992 Computational Intelligence Taking Issue articles;
see especially the Epilegomenon starting on page 27 )
- Jon Doyle, Introduction to Reasoned Assumptions and Rational Psychology
(1994 Introduction to the Fundamenta
Informaticae article listed below)
- Jon Doyle, Reasoned Assumptions and Rational Psychology
(1994 Fundamenta Informaticae article)
- Jon Doyle, Matter, Mind and Mechanics: New models for dynamogenesis and
(2000 synopsis of The Mechanical Foundations
- Jon Doyle, A Rational Mechanics of Reasoning
(2002 extended abstract of The Mechanical
Foundations below)
- Jon Doyle,
The Mechanical Foundations of Psychology and Economics:
Understanding Mental Dynamogenesis in Reasoning and
(2003 monograph)
- Jon Doyle,
The Force of Reasons: A Brief Illustration
(2004 extract from The Mechanical
Last modified: Thu Mar 18 19:37:56 Eastern Standard Time 2004
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